Jul 5, 2010

I dreamed a dream

I have this stirring desire in me to do something with my life; a desire to follow what I am passionate about. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I have always wanted to do acting but never knew how to start. WELL...last night I had a dreamed I was getting acting lessons with the cast of The Vampire Diaries. It was so much fun, but ended abruptly.

Of course there are times that we find ourselves in the lull of life where we feel like there is something missing. I think this is our ornate design. We were made to feel this so that we would go out and actually do something significant. Having God will fulfil you but there is always going to be the burning to do something GREAT. I do not mean that God doesn't fulfil every need, I am saying He designed us in such a way that we would be moved to be significant.

This stirring has been there for a while but I think it is ever increasing as I come close to actually fulfilling the dream. I know that I will be successful and thats not being proud, its faith; security in what we do not see at present. I'm so excited about the future because I know that my future is blessed - DO YOU?

When was the last time you stirred your heart to do something that you were always passionate about? When was the last time you found your niche and filled it? If you haven't yet found that place I suggest you do because you will always feel incomplete without it.

Carpe Diem - seize the day in which you have been given. It is a gift and dare I say it, it goes as fast as it comes. Make the most of every opportunity (something I continue to learn). You have been given a passion so run with it!!!


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